landmate is an attempt of an open robot platform aimed at supporting sustainable agricultural practices, such as organic farming, agroecology and permaculture. landmate targets mixed-crop cultivation, diversified landscapes, low use of external inputs, biodiversity and conservation, and use of ecosystem synergies. In contrary, most (commercial) agricultural robots target monocultural, high-input practices.

Project aims

The landmate project is aimed at the following objectives:

Status quo and next steps

A hardware platform consisting of four independently steered and driven wheels has been developed. In short, the platform currently consists of:

Next steps

Current tasks involve developing the electronics and wiring the components. Following that, a software for controlling the components will be implemented.

Besides that, a project documentation should be developed and published here.

Support and contributions

The project needs you!

landmate’s aims are sophisticated, and for sure, I cannot make it become reality on my own. If you are interested in the topic or project, want to know more about it, have ideas or would even like to work on it, please contact me!

The project is currently located in Lüneburg, Germany - that is where I study. If you study nearby, e.g. at Leuphana University Lüneburg or at Technical University Hamburg, landmate may even be an opportunity for a student project or thesis.


The project is currently maintained by Vitus Lehner. You can contact me via the following email address:


Thanks to all the people supporting the project and me with technical and subject-specific guidance, and especially to FabLab Lüneburg e.V. for enabling the build.